What are the possible expectations about the future of the Bitcoin exchange rate?

 What are the possible expectations about the future of the Bitcoin exchange rate?

The past year has seen extreme volatility in the cryptocurrency market, with bitcoin jumping to a record $69,000 last November.

What are the possible expectations about the future of the Bitcoin exchange rate?

According to CNN, the American investment bank "Goldman Sachs" reported a report, in which it revealed its expectations about the future of Bitcoin, noting that he believes that this digital currency will witness a strong rise in the coming years.

According to CNBC, some experts believe that the sharp rise in the bitcoin exchange rate, in the previous period, will be followed by a sharp decline in the coming months.

"Professor of banking sciences" at the University of Sussex, Carol Alexander, expressed her expectations that the Bitcoin exchange rate will reach $ 10,000 during 2022, which will practically eliminate all its gains during the previous period of the previous year.

The report indicated that Bitcoin’s market share will likely rise over time as a result of increased investment and broader adoption of this type of cryptocurrency.

It is noteworthy that at the beginning of this year, the price of Bitcoin fell to 42.9 thousand dollars.

So what is the future of Bitcoin, and what are the possible expectations regarding this cryptocurrency, this is what the coming months, or perhaps years, will reveal.

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