Kentucky hurricane is the fiercest in the history of the United States of America.

 Kentucky hurricane is the fiercest in the history of the United States of America.

More than 80 people died as a result of the hurricane that hit the southeastern state of Kentucky.

Kentucky hurricane is the fiercest in the history of the United States of America.

State Governor Andy Beshear declared a state of emergency due to the severe damage caused by the hurricane in several parts of the state.

It is noteworthy that the hurricane that hit Kentucky late Friday night is the most severe in US history, with winds associated with the hurricane reaching more than 300 kilometers per hour.

The state governor said during a press conference held in the early hours of Saturday morning, that the hurricane caused the collapse of parts of the ceiling in the candle factory located in the city of Mayfield, which led to the death of many victims. 

He also expressed his fear of an increase in the number of victims, describing the hurricane as the strongest in Kentucky's history.

One of the local television channels, WMC, reported that 3 people were killed as a result of two hurricanes that hit the state of Tennessee, east of the United States. 

The channel quoted the director of the Obion County Emergency Department as saying: One of the cyclones hit this county, killing one person, while the second tornado swept through Lake County, killing two other people, in addition to reports of injuries.

This was preceded by the occurrence of many victims under the rubble of a warehouse belonging to the "Amazon" company for e-commerce in Illinois, after parts of it collapsed as a result of the hurricane that struck the region.

While media outlets, quoting an official, revealed that one person was killed and others injured as a result of a hurricane that hit a nursing home in Arkansas.

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